Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Computer and society -AMOROSO

Computer are a big factor to education because teachers, students and parents communicate through this. Computers can be used if you are doing homework's, researches or essays. Computers are a good way of communicating too your relatives or friends in other parts of the world. It is a good way of keeping in touch to other people. But still it has its negative effects on Children because some children get hooked on computers. They cut classes and do a mess on computer programs, and is is considered a distraction. But still they are much more to computers that has more positive effects, especially the internet because it also helped older individuals connect with each other. People with disease or ailments can also gain information through the internet. New jobs have entered the market because of the dependency on computers. The job market in computers is expected to grow in numbers. Small business owners have benefited greatly with the use of the computers and internet.

SUBMITTED BY: Fabriene Gail Amoroso

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