Friday, July 31, 2009

computer and the society (fritz kolin ocampo)

"Computer And The Society"

computers nowadays are very advanced it can also do a lot of things easier and better but beyond the great success of those things,it also have some bad effects.

Positive side:

Computers helps students to make their research faster in a click,it would display a lot of informations when you go online.Also you may contact your friends and families living afar easier.Another positive side of using comupter is that you will not work hard in writing LONG sentences/paragraph but instead,you may type it and then print it an you already have an output.Computers also provide a lot of entertainment to us.It may contain games and softwares taht will fulfill your hapiness meter.There are educational games that may be played by certainage of kids.They may gain and learnfrom it.Computers today do help a lot to us and maybe some animals,doctorswith the help of computers,may discover medicines/solutions to a certain type of flu.There are a lot of positive side of computers aside what i have mentioned above.

Negative side:
Computers may have a lot of good effects but as we didn't know,it also have some bad effects to us.It makes us humans to be lazy.Instead of going in a library,we would just open the internet browser and search and "copy and paste" attitude ahd become common to students.Thus,decreasing one's capacity&will to read cerefully what they have researched .Anotheris that lessens the body function,instead of playingoutdoor games people would prefer seating infront of the computer and let your hands do the rest.Body exercisewas lessen.Some games do contain/have a bad side that influences people especially the little ones war,tragedy,use of guns and knives,and other forms of killing may ba seen.It teaches/makes some people to copy it and do it to others

It is based/on the hands of the user wether he/she will be affected by the bad effectsof computer.We should not abuse the use of computer.We should learn how to limit ourselves with the use oh computer

Submitted by:
Fritz Kolin B. Ocampo

Submitted to:

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