Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Effects of the Computer and the Society
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Computer and the Society
So, to utilize the power of the computer to contribute in a good effect, we must have discipline, and be responsible. As a person, use it to send emails or do chat to your parents who are working abroad instead of spending more time in games and social networking activities. In offices, some employees are spending time surfing the net during office hours, this makes them unproductive.
We should always think that computers are made as a machine that we can use and manipulate to make some of our activities easy, don't allow the computer manipulate us. Do the right thing to have a bright future.
Lucie Ann Marie C. Bonites
Grade six -Our Lady of Annunciation
computer and the society

In our society this days,we now often use the computer in paper works, reports, in searching or studying. Computers are now frequently needed for our every day living. The youth also needs computers for projects, assignments and researches but, the computers also has bad effects for us youth and this is too much use of computer games. The youth this days often plays computer games than studying our lessons and doing our assignments. This is one major bad effect of computer in our society. Education is more important. Being educated is a gift for our parents who works hard just for our studies. To repay them back, we should study well, respect them and obey them. We youth are also important to our society because we hold our countries future. Without the youth what would happen to our country? The youth can change the society in the future. Who would know? maybe you can change our country's status for the next 10-20 years. Our country today might be at crisis but for the next few years, Our country might be at the top!

created by:
Nathalie R. Danganan
Agust 5, 2009
Computer and society -AMOROSO
SUBMITTED BY: Fabriene Gail Amoroso
Computers in Different Fields
From a simple life that man used to have centuries ago, our lives have evolved so quickly, all because of a powerful machine…the computer.
Everywhere you go, whatever we do, we can see the amazing things that the computer has been doing for us. From the time we wake up, go to school or to our offices, then back to our homes for end-of-day activities, we make use of gadgets and machines powered by computers.
Then what are computers? Some say that they are simple electronic devices that accept inputs, process data and produce outputs. Computers may be simple but they can be very powerful. Computers have begun to meet the barrier imposed by the speed of light in achieving higher speeds. This has led to continuing research and development. Continuing demand for more processing power has led to significant changes in computer hardware and software architectures, both to increase the speed of basic operations and to reduce the overall processing time.
Computers have changed society in many ways. Computers are one of the supreme and best inventions ever made in the history of modern technology. It has brought numerous and countless advances to many different fields of studies as well as in the lives of many people. Today, computers have changed how people work and have opened new methods and means of acquiring new knowledge and skills. Computers are now being used in various fields, from education to medicine, businesses, government, science, publishing and industry. Through the computer and the Internet, you'll be able to discover new ways in getting hold of informative and useful information in almost any fields of studies, something that is imaginable and beyond what you can think of. Information that is definitely ready at your fingertips. Let us try to uncover the benefits of computers and the Internet in an individual's daily life.
Computers have been important learning tools starting from toddlers who have computer-aided toys giving them joys to the older grade/high school/collegiate students for their research projects. Far-flung areas can now be reached and their education can now be enriched through the use of computers.
All branches of science, from astronomy to zoology, depend on computers to further their knowledge on increasing the life span of man. The MRI, the PET, and other computer-aided machines help doctors and scientists to better understand the people’s medical needs.
Computer is also important part of modern astronomy. Computers aid observational astronomers in many ways. Man’s first step on the moon would not have been possible without the use of computers. Computers guide telescopes, and they control devices that measure the radiation gathered by telescopes. Astronomers also use computers to work out designs for new telescopes and to analyse data collected with telescopes. Computers have a major role in theoretical studies. A theoretical astronomer might use a computer to produce a mathematical model of the history of a star from its birth to its death.
Do you know that computers have even transformed how you communicate with each other through the advancements in technology?
One of these advancements is the Internet. Who among us does not know anything about the Internet? Perhaps, using computers will never be complete without using the Internet. This global network of networks have swept the lives of many people as daily tasks become handier, communications more convenient, and most of all, sources of information broader and more accessible.
Computer has changed how we do business. Gone are the days of labor-intensive and manual way of inputting data through ink and paper. Now, with a few taps of keys and a few clicks of the mouse, good and productive business is on its way.
Computer opens new doors of opportunities and ventures. Apart from the way you do business, the computer and the Internet has also become our partner in doing business effectively. Products are sold to vast numbers of consumers, and services are provided superbly.
Government offices also depend on computers for its basic needs. From simple letters to the more complicated projects are now being produced through the use of computers. Government agencies and their databases are now interlinked, making it easier for the agencies to monitor economic developments.
We have seen and continue to see the impact of computers in our lives. Trip to the moon is no longer just a dream. Robots now also play a part, not just as toys but also as handy business crews. Man has also shown that animals, or maybe human beings can now be cloned. Will time come that it would be hard to say who a real man is from its counterpart robot?
Let us work for technological advancements and not for the destruction of the world.
Monday, August 3, 2009

Just being in a department store or super market when the computers go down causes major grid-lock. Just imagine an entire computer system in an airport failing. Or if a major bank were to somehow lose all its banking records. Or all the computers in a hospital went down.
Worse yet is the effect computers have on the entire generation that has been growing up with them. Every single advancement in technology is at the fingertips of today’s young generation. Somehow in this age of computer frenzy, a whole generation is not learning the rudimentary skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. Why worry? A computer does all that for them.
Computer technology has introduced several social changes in the world in general society in particular --- changes which cannot and should not be overlooked by educators whose job it is to prepare young people to function successfully within this new society.
There’s a number of ways in which computer technology has revolutionized lives both at home and at the office. These changes can be summarized as follows:
- With the advent of the personal home computer, people are able to bring new forms of entertainment into the home (e.g. computer games).
- More importantly, a number of personal business functions (e.g. banking and bill paying, obtain stock market information, make travel arrangements, and even enroll in college courses).
Computers were a new race of machines and most common person did not know anything about them. Today, computers and new innovations like the internet have changed the business world and even our daily lives. How did computers change our world and what affect does it have on society?
Lets first tackle about the computer, “A computer can be defined as a system that mechanizes the processing of information”. The abacus is the oldest-known mechanical computing aid. Its origin is uncertain. Many countries claim to have invented it. Yet has been used in China and in the Mediterranean area in ancient Greek and Roman times. The abacus consists of beads strung on rows of wires suspended within a rectangular frame. It is a computation system of sliding beads on a rack and is still used today. “Through the centuries, several mathematical geniuses invented machines to aid them in their calculations. The machines were never widely used and generally had no direct path to the later develop.
The volume and use of computers in the world are so great that they have become difficult to ignore anymore. Computers appear to us in so many ways that many times, we fail to see them as they actually are. For better or worse, computers have gained access to every aspect of our society. They do more than just simply compute. The technological revolution has taken full swing in providing a lot for everyone this day and age.
Computers can be found in the home, school, factory, and office; digital technologies, such as cameras, video games, and CD-ROMs are also a commonplace. There is no doubt that computers are definitely making individuals smarter and wiser by the second. In fact some people are becoming too smart for their own good.
Submitted by:
Madeleine M. Rayos
Gr. VI – Our Lady of the Annunciation
Computer and society-Dianne Acebedo
‘’Computers and society’’
Nowadays, Computer is important in the society almost everyone is using the Computer. Computer has really changed the society in many ways because of its amazing power. Computer is now used in different fields such as education, government, publishing and many more. Imagine the first computer is the abacus 5,000 years ago and it can only do two operations the addition and subtraction but now look a computer this present has many lots of uses you can even go to the net using internet browsers such as Netscape, Internet explorer and many more. We don’t know maybe in the future the world is controlled by computer. When we’re using the computer we are also communicating with each other. Communication is the process of sending a message from a human source to a human receiver. Today electronic communications are everywhere for example the Internet, Instant Messaging, Newsgroups and so on. This is made possible by network we use network a collection of computers and devices connected to gather via communication devices and transmission media. Without networks we cannot communicate with each other. A while ago I discuss about the Internet by using the Internet we can enter cyberspace. Cyberspace is a term used to describe the Internet and other networks. In searching the net we have to make sure that we crosscheck and make sure that if you will copy it make sure that we have to recognize the person who make the work we can do this by referencing it. In cyberspace we have to observe proper behavior online it is called netiquettes. Each of us has different responsibilities online. The cyber citizens or netizens have responsibilities. They should show good manners. They should always respect the person that they are communicating in the net by following netiquettes. Today people rely on computers to create, store, and manage critical information’s we have to be careful in searching the net because maybe a computer security risk may occur. A computer security risk is any event or action that could cause a loss or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information, or processing capability. The more common security risk may include viruses and many more. Examples of computer viruses are Trojan horse and worm example of worms are the MELISSA virus and the I LOVE YOU virus. You have to be careful in the net because viruses can affect the performance of your computer it may even destroy your computer. By following some guidelines in preventing viruses you can prevent computer viruses, worm and Trojan horse infections.
-Dianne Acebedo
Computer and its effect on society
Computers are ubiquitous. As computers have become less expensive they have been purchased by more and more families for their homes. Because of this, many children begin to use computers at an early age. Even if computers are not available in their home, children almost certainly will begin to come into contact with computers in school.
Some adults are amazed by how readily
young children use computers. Many children find that using computers gives them a sense of power and accomplishment. And, unlike many adults whose first or primary contact with computers is work related, most children first use computers for entertainment purposes and games. This is by no means the only use that children have for computers. Children also use computers for accessing information, as well as for writing stories and research papers.

Name: Erika Faye B. Garcia
6 Our Lady of Announciation
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Effects of Computer in the Society

Before we know it, technology is going to pass us by. With the invention of the computer and the Internet, the possibilities are endless. Society is changing by leaps and bounds, with no chance of a stopping point in the near future. All this change is dealing with computers and the effects that it will have on the way we live tomorrow. The Internet affects us in every way, most importantly with our social lives, our jobs, and our entertainment. Our social lives are not just communicating with telephones and mail anymore. Going “on-line” is the new way we like to communicate with people. Chat rooms on the Internet are open for people to talk and explore with other people who may live on the other side of the world or the other side of the street. E-Mail is also another popular way to correspond with others. Users can electronically send mail to another person with an on-line mailbox, simply by typing in their message and sending it by the click of a button. Two seconds to send e-mail to someone on the other side of the world is much quicker than a week or more through the ordinary mail. The Internet can also affect our jobs. Computers can calculate and figure out things much quicker than the average person. This process cannot only save time, but money too. Stock trading is now on the Internet, along with banking and any other type of business you could imagine. The world wants thing to be quick and easy. The best answer to that is to have a computer do it for you. In the future, hundreds of millions of jobs will be taken away from honest hard-working employees and will be given to computers. No matter what choices we make, or what plans we change, these outcomes are going to become real. Why would a business pay someone to take phone orders, when a computer can do it in less time and make it both cheaper and easier for the business and the buyer? Computers and the Internet are definitely affecting the way we entertain ourselves. The most basic example is card games. If the computer can deal out cards on a screen with the click of a button, why would anyone want to deal out a deck of cards manually and have to clean them up afterwards? On the Internet, you can gamble with on-line casinos, place bets on a horse race, or even watch movies. People can do all of these activities in the comfort of their own home. No gas money is wasted or time spent driving around to find entertainment so people are happy. The inevitable outcome of this magnificent invention is going to change the world. Society is happy about the way things are changing. Cheaper is better, less time consuming is better. With the choice of having a computer and being on-line, there is almost nothing you cannot do. This remarkable idea of the Internet is going to revolutionize the way we live in the future.
Negative impacts of computers on society
Most of us know the pros of having a computer (links us to other parts of the world and provides us with information we use to have to search for at the library, etc.) These are some of the negative things about the computerized world:
- The younger generation would rather communicate through computer (easier) than actually working towards making friends or finding love the good old fashion way. Thus, part of the magic of falling in love is lost. People breakup in emails rather than facing the person and as all generations have been taught before we must take responsibility for our own actions.
- A high percentage of people sit at their computer far too long and some people lose reality as far as social activities and learning social skills. Not to mention packing on the weight and the lack of exercise that will haunt them further on down the road.
- Sitting behind a computer all day is hard on the eyes.
- Being on the computer too much takes away the imagination for most (although for a very few they can be creative in advertising and digital imagery, etc. on websites.)
- Computers can distract a person so much they lose contact with the reality around them such as taking time with family, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and children.
- It opens up kiddy porn and other immoral things.
- More crime is committed through the Internet.
- More misinformation by SOME people on the Internet can cause problems for the younger generation.
- More person problems by two people on the Internet (never having met) may cause heartbreak or mistrust. It's impossible to know someone well over the Internet.
- Spammers are annoying.
- Hackers can ruin your computer system.
Many people do work on the computer from their home but smart people do so much, then get up, get moving and get into shape. They spend time with family and friends and limit their time on the computer.
There is a new generation coming up where information is at one's finger tips too easily and then it becomes a personal thing in some people's lives. Before one knows it all will be like zombies wandering around (out of shape) and wondering why no one is relating to them.
While technology is a wonderful thing it is almost likely that it can be used in an immoral or wrong way. There is a price to pay for everything even if it appears it's making life easier on people.
Grade VI - O. L. of Annunciation
Computer and the Society
Submited By:
James Alison L. Mandapat
COMPUTER affects the society in many ways, positive ways such as it improves our technology. We can work faster if we rely on computers. Communications will be easier especially in business. We can be creative and reliable especially with our works. Computer is very efficient in our works, jobs, schools, hospitals, airplanes, supermarkets all rely on the COMPUTER to do their task. But there are things that are negative when it comes to relying on computers. We cannot always count on them to save our work. Brownouts happen and it happens unexpectedly. Wrong data and information can be inputted by people, so we shouldn't rely much on them. When this happens we will lose all our accounts so it not advisable to always count on computers.
Rudee Nicdao
Computer and the Society
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.
the computer makes our works easier and faster. In School, the school uses the computer store data about their students. when students have a assignment about researching in old times they go to libraries and search in many books but now the students just have a internet connection and just type him/her assignment, print it and it's ready to pass.

But Of Course There's A Negative Side
Negative side:
The computer have so many games especially in the internet sometimes that game is good that let us entertained but when you play too much it is called Computer Addiction that makes people don't want to leave the computer. Computer Addiction is one of the problems of the parents because their children always play games that affect their studies, some children when they got home they will open the computer and play games so they won't do their assignments.

Project in computer first quarter
Mona Ocoma cn# 36